Oliver Stone Letter



Wayne Pierce

September 9, 2016

Mr. Oliver Stone
Ixlan Corporation
12233 W. Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Subject: US Government & Charles Schwab Conspiracy to obstruct justice
Blog:  https://www.aeolusblue.net
Books by Wayne Pierce are described on blog

Dear Mr. Stone,

Because I reported Charles Schwab’s criminal activities against me to Presidents Bush and Obama, Schwab and the US government have conspired to obstruct justice by blocking investigation into my complaints, and to silence me with fifteen years of stalking and entrapment operations. Much of my story is available on my blog. The world is not yet aware of my ordeal with Schwab and the US government because of Bush and Obama’s gag orders. However, entities from around the world are showing lots of interest in my blog and I think it possible my story will become public knowledge in the next year or two.

I am writing to see if you might be interested in publishing a book or producing a movie about my ordeal. Of course, because it is my story and comes from the heart I feel it would make a great movie. I trust that you can make that judgment. I do understand that my story will not see the light of day unless the US government lifts the gag orders, or some brave soul files charges on my behalf with the World Court. Corporate and government offices in Russia and China are the most frequent visitors to my blog.

I am currently updating my  book with stories about latest encounters with secret service agents. Some previous encounters are posted on my blog.

 I admire your work and wish you success.

                                                                                    Sincerely,   Wayne Pierce


Please note:
Mr. Stone did not respond to my letter.
Having recently watched the Netflix documentary “Whos is Roger Stone?”
I understand why he would have no interest in my story.


Published:  30 August 2020

Updated: 05 February 2022

Wayne Pierce & IBM associates