Sibel Edmonds & The FBI Plaque And

April 23, 2024

Dear Governor Koteck,

I one red a book that reminds me of my live since Charles Schwab at the and the FBI gained control of my life. I became a target of Schwab and the FBI after his fiancé broke up with him—right when he was to become Bush’s Treasury Secretary, and their plan collapsed. I was just a bystander, but Schwab was terribly upset about my  book. Schwab and the FBI have been trying to eliminate me for many years. Colluding with Oregon’s DMV is just their most recent attempts   to destroy me.

This is a story about real life, about America’s future..

I would be happy to sene a copy of mu book, and I think you would it fascinating.

Wayne Pierce

“Classified Woman,” by Sibel Edmond

I am reading “Classified Woman,” by Sibel D. Edmonds and wanted to share this quote from her book quote Paul Newman.

““I’m Paul Newman. For the past fourteen years we’ve been honoring courageous Americans who have defended their First Amendment rights against overwhelming odds, and in so doing, affirmed the protection of the First Amendment for all of us. Sibel Edmonds adds luster to this distinguished group of honorees with her refusal to back down from her confrontation with the FBI. In his straight-talking way, President Harry Truman said: When even one American, who has done nothing wrong, is forced by fear to shut his mouth, then all Americans are in peril. Sibel Edmonds would not let an intimidating FBI shut her mouth, and as a result suffered grievous consequences, but she has persevered and we are better off for her sacrifices.””

June 10, 2018

Schwab’s Giant Secret Service Surveillance

Undercover agents John Ferreira and my neighbor Ken Willis continue their surveillance activities, monitoring my communications, and tracking my whereabouts. For the past seventeen years they have been hiring women to meet me online or in public places to stalk me and attempt to entrap me or catch me in sting operations. The purpose of some recruits, like my doctors and book consultants is to attempt to persuade me to drop my plans to bring Schwab to justice and abandon my publishing stories about what Schwab and the US government have done to me. But even if I back off Schwab will never give up his efforts to silence me one way or another, for if my story goes public Charles Schwab stock and Wall Street would crash.

In order for Schwab and the FBI to learn my “secret” cell phone numbers and email addresses, Ken Willis monitors the phones and email of all my friends and family to find out who’s calling or texting them. From this he can read the data and deduce whose contacting them and what they are saying. I recently read in the “Economist” that this type surveillance involves spying and gathering data for, not only the target, but all my neighbors and those I contact via my cell phone. So I have been informing my neighbors and friends about his presence in our lives and how he and his partners are spying on us.

One of Willis’ favorite tricks is to track my whereabouts and then happen to show up in his car along the way so he can wave to me. This cat and mouse game will continue the rest of our lives. He spends hours tracking me around town and then strategically places himself or a patsy in what he thinks will be my path. So I’m driving along and there he is waiting for me. This is illegal US government surveillance and harassment.

I recognize that Mr. Schwab and the US government’s problem approaches that of 911–because the US government finds itself joining the Zionists in committing crimes against innocent American citizens. (Every intelligent human knows that 9/11 was an inside job committed by Israel’s Mossad and the US)

From the time I started dating Schwab’s ex-lover in 2001, his thugs have been committing the same crimes against me as are being committed by the US government today.

Poor Julian Assange, trapped in one of Karl Rove’s sting operations similar to the type they attempt to use on me. Assange did not steal US government secrets; he just published them, which is what reporters do. With Ecuadorian & UK help the US government is intent on destroying this man’s life. No phones, no Internet, no visitors–this torture, worse than waterboarding so loved by Bush & Cheney–is made a thousand times worse because they knew the people they were torturing were innocent. Surely there is a special place in hell for men who commit these crimes against humanity.

President Trump, please pardon Julian Assange and please get your Secret Service people out of my life, and the life of my family and friends.

Wayne Pierce

June 4, 2018

Thanks to President Trump and AG Sessions, Ken Willis is still being allowed to operate his surveillance operation from his home on my street; stalking & harassing, monitoring my phones & Internet activities, tracking me wherever I go, and setting up sting and entrapment operations. Part of his plan is to keep me pissed off by constantly making me aware of his presence. This is the harassment and retaliation Sibel Edmonds talks about in her book, “Classified Woman”.

I am curious about the manner in which Willis likes to drive past my house, smile, and wave to me. He has continued this strange behavior even after I discovered he and an FBI partner attempted to trap me in a sting operation. (See below).

When Willy retires from the FBI he will be able to claim that he spent twenty-some years of his life stalking and attempting to entrap an innocent American and send him to prison for the rest of his life. He will be awarded the Kiss Prize for having spent half his career obeying US  presidential illegal orders and joining them in kissing Charles Schwab’s ass.

Update 04 April 2018
Revised 05 June 2018

Zionist FBI Agent Ken Willis

Despite Pierce’s pleas to Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for over a year to have this Zionist faggot removed from his neighborhood, and have him discontinue his clandestine operations against him, Ken Willis and his partners continue to spy on Pierce full time: Monitoring his phones, Internet, email, text messaging, etc. We now know that Willis is also monitoring Pierce’s friends and family members. He is tracking Pierce and his friends and family via their cell phones. Willis likes to drive by Pierce’s home, waving to let him know that he is still Mr. Schwab’s darling in charge of fucking up his life. See below how Willis and an undercover FBI whore  attempted to trap Pierce in an elaborate sting operation that, had it been successful would have landed Pierce in prison the rest of his life. Like FBI Agent John Ferreira, after Pierce reported Schwab’s illegal actions against him to every level of government, including President Bush, Willis was assigned a full-time job stalking Pierce and trying to silence Pierce, whose only crime was to report Stockbroker Charles Schwab’s many months of crimes against him and his fiancee.

Remember that during the period when Schwab was stalking and committing crimes against Pierce and his fiancee, he was Bush’s chief economics advisor and in line for the US Treasury Secretary job. 

Hey folks, this is the real America where that document we call the US Constitution is the greatest work of fiction on earth–it’s part of the grand illusion the Zionists created to make us think we are great and equal, when in reality we are nothing but bunch of stupid slaves for the rich Jews. The greatest tragedy of course is that here in America people are brain dead and nobody gives a shit–including the federal government.

President Trump could initiate changes to save the US by opening a free and open investigation into 9/11, which would certainly prove that this was a US/Israel inside job, with VP Dick Cheney running the show on 9/11. Read the following book and have your mind opened. Or he could announce that he is going to investigate my seventeen-year old case.

After Michael Rupert published his best selling book, “Crossing the Rubicon”, in which he reveals in fine detail the story about 9/11. The US government tracked him down in Venezuela, poisoned him, and damn near killed him. Rupert relocated to Canada where we believe the US government’s constant stalking and harassment caused him to finally commit suicide. On a much smaller scale, we understand Rupert’s dilemma because Charles Schwab and his Zionist buddies have been stalking and attempting to harm Pierce for sixteen years, which included what we believe were two attempts on his life. The idea of freedom of speech and equal justice in America is pure bullshit.

Our Civil Rights are well documented in the US Constitution, but as we know, Zionist oligarchs and their puppets in US government don’t give a shit about gentile laws, and abuse them with impunity. Interesting: In 2002 when Pierce told Kim he was going to report Schwab’s crimes against them to President Bush, she laughed and said that Schwab couldn’t care less–because he was so rich and powerful that no one could touch him. In a very interesting twist, at the time Schwab was committing crimes against Kim and Pierce, he was working as Bush’s chief economics advisor along side of Bush’s chief advisor, another criminal Zionist scumbag Karl Rove.

Well, here we are folks with our president, our congressmen, and all levels of law enforcement ignoring Pierce’s pleas for help, and forcing him to bow to the powerful Prince.


Update: 04 April 2018

President Trump,
You sure are having lots of trouble draining the swamp. That AIPAC shit hole full of Zionist Jews has a firm grip on the US government and will not be easily dislodged. It will take a powerful person of superior character, like Hitler or Putin, who has established his popularity with his people in order to get the support required to dislodge the oligarchs. US leadership remains focused on Hollywood political bullshit games that Americans don’t understands and results in confusion and social nausea. Do you think average Americans are made happy with all the high level Tweets intended to bash and destroy all of Washington, DC’s enemies, which are basically all Gentiles?
Americans are longing for something positive from their leaders.
They don’t care for long what color your White House drapes are, or who designed our First Lady’s latest dress, or which international leader you are threatening to wipe out with fire and furry. The small percentage of smart ones do wonder why the US must continue to ship their precious tax dollars to Israel’s war machine, while Americans have to tolerate the worst healthcare system in the world, at the highest price, and run by mentally ill shysters who spend their lives figuring out ways to screw the common people. Who in the US government is protecting us from the crooks playing games with our drug prices? This stuff cannot happen in civilized countries, where healthcare drugs are owned and operated by the government (citizens) and not by a bunch of billionaire criminals (capitalism). Though they’ve become totally confused and anxious, average Americans are focused on their families, homes, job security, and healthy lives. Americans feel they’ve been abandoned, but are so ill informed and confused they don’t know where to turn for help, or who to blame. The Russia ploy has been laughable.

The US is a dying country, ruled and destroyed by the evil Zionist Jews Henry Ford warned us about. The Zionists have broken America’s heart and soul and turned its people into ignorant severely obese and ill consumers of corporate toxic garbage and oversized pickups. It would really help if  you and others would stop working for Israel and AIPAC and attempt to say something nice and encouraging once in a while. Americans want to know their government is working for them and trying to bring peace to the world, not ship more arms to Israel so they can continue bombing their innocent neighbors, or wipe out some other helpless country like Syria that refuses to kiss Netanyahu’s ass. Though most Americans don’t know the truth about 9/11, they harbor fears that such atrocities, originating within their own government, remain a threat to their lives. Most Americans know that their government hides the truth from them and can’t be trusted. 

The average American’s sick body and worried facial expression is a sign that the collapse of the US is underway. Unfortunately, Zionist propaganda (media) has made them so braindead they are unaware that their worst enemy is the group of their elected officials who have no control over their destiny.


Note: March 21, 2018
President Trump, FBI undercover agent Ken Willis still lives on my street and continues to stalk me and play spy games with me.

Wi-FI routers: My neighborhood normally has around seven homes with Wi-Fi routers, plus Ken Willis’ NSA Mobile Snoop, and one of Xfinity’s city-wide routers that any of their customers can use.  When setting up one’s Wi-Fi one can select any of the available routers–provided they have the password for those that are locked. In the past few days the total list of available routers has been turned off and I assume  it is Ken Willis who is doing this, because all routers in my area become hidden–except mine. We believe that Smoth Willy is he is doing this so I will be unable to connect to Xfinity or other Wi-Fi routers, which forces me to use my home router that Ken Willis uses to monitor my Internet activity and read my email.

My autistic son lives at home and my greatest worry is that Willis is also monitoring his Internet activity that is sometimes bizarre. Of course our visitors usually use my Wifi so Willis gets to monitor all of their Internet activities and  email. Crazy! This scumbag has been monitoring me, my ill son, and all my friends for about ten years! And he probably passes all the information up the line to his handers, and to Charles Schwab and his team of lawyers. What these idiots are hoping for is for me to make one mistake, just saying something inappropriate, so they can come to my house, arrest me, and haul my ass to prison. If this happens Smooth Willy and John Ferreira will receive their bonuses and retire while I rot in prison. 


I realize that Ken Willis could be working for Mr. Schwab who has been spying on me since 2001. I will discuss Mr. Schwab’s activities and provide proof of his criminal activities to anyone in the US government who is interested. This is difficult because the US government has been conspiring with Schwab to spy on me and harm me since 2002?


President Trump,

Ken Willis has been stalking and spying on me for ten years, and no one in the US government is interested in talking to me, or trying to stop him. Why would you when you are in full support of Schwab’s illegal activities?

Once again I am requesting that you remove this despicable excuse of a human from my neighborhood and out of my life.

Isn’t it interesting that while I’m typing this, Ken Willis and his partners are sitting at their computers reading every word.

Note:   President Trump: Please remove this US government spy and all his surveillance equipment from my neighborhood. What the hell is NSA Mobile Snoop doing in my neighborhood? For ten years Smooth Willy and his partners have worked for Charles Schwab &/or the US government to spy on me 24/7, attempt to trap me in a sting operation, and throw my ass in prison. I am sick of Smooth Willy’s ugly arrogant face as he drives past my house and waves, letting me know he’s still the cat and I’m still the helpless mouse.
You know, isn’t it pathetic that billionaires like Charles Schwab, with all their money and power, are just totally pissed because an old retired IBM’er like me would rather die than kiss their ass? Kim used to tell me with what disdain Mr. Schwab held for me. 


Don’t you agree that people like FBI agents Ken Willis and John Ferreira who accept money to harm their innocent fellow Americans are first class ass holes and the scum of the earth? At least they are a level above of Hollywood’s human traffickers and pedophiles who feel that just because they entertain us have the right to kidnap and fuck our children. These Zionist Jews need to be locked up in a large cage full of pigs so they can be with their own kind. Can’t you just hear the momma pigs yelling to their little piglets, run for cover.

Thanks to my IBM associates for contributing to my books and this blog. And for helping me maintain my sanity while being stalked 24/7. My associates have vested rights in the work and will be around long after Schwab & the US government have me locked up or killed. I do not fear death, but welcome the opportunity to escape this shit hole the Zionist Jews have made of our once beautiful world. Russia, Germany, the US, and on and on…

I welcome my fate, for at last I will be at peace with my lovely Kim who often told me I was the greatest lover of her life. The feelings were mutual and I consider myself lucky to have shared a bit of my life with Kim for almost a year. I can hardly imagine what our relationship would have been like without mentally ill Schwab’s constant interference and efforts to force Kim to leave me, with Israeli and AIPAC’s  backing of course. In his writings, automaker Henry Ford talked about how the Jews always stuck together to protect one another.

It took me many years to understand why Henry Ford and other corporate leaders like IBM’s founder Tom Watson were friends with Hitler and worked with him to save Germany from the Zionist bankers who had destroyed their beautiful and strong country. These corporate leaders were too smart and not impressed with all the bullshit being generated by the Zionists.

There is no decency or shame left in the US government or the media. The cesspool runs deep. In order to continue to entertain us with their Holocaust hoax they ignore the Constitution and the truth, and still chase imaginary Nazi criminals. I read again where some old German man in his nineties was arrested and tried because he was an accountant working for the German government. What a crock of shit; the US government does this while real criminals like Schwab spend sixteen years illegally stalking people like me in an attempt to silence us–in broad daylight! With full support from his lackeys in the White House, Mr. Schwab has been allowed to commit felonious crimes against Kim and me for seventeen years.

But US leaders can’t help it because they are nothing but puppets for their Israeli/AIPAC masters. As Henry Ford predicted, the Zionists have gained a death grip on America.

Ladies and gentlemen the plane has lost one engine and we are going to crash. The good news is that this will be a much nicer way to die than it was for the 3,000 gentiles that Zionists murdered on 911; burned alive, jumping from windows to their certain death, crushed by collapsing cement–while the Israeli film crew celebrated, and Netanyahu arrogantly expressed his pleasure with Mossad’s work. Has anyone yet learned who it was that told the thousands of Jewish workers to stay home on 911?



Undercover  FBI Agents

Ken & Erica Willis

In 2008 a middle-aged couple moved into a large two-story house near the end of our cul-de-sac. Scuttlebutt had it that they moved here from the Middle East. The couple’s presence was soon well known because of their two Doberman Pinchers’ loud barking that I could hear a block away. The couple would soon be seen walking their dogs on long retractable leads down the middle of our street and past my home. It was an intimidating sight as their Doberman Pinchers were out front leading the way as if on patrol. If I happened to be out front when they came by, Ken and Erica would reel in their dogs and stop to talk for a few minutes. It was in this manner that I gradually got to know them.

In coming years Ken and I became casual friends and he invited me out for coffee a few times. We also exchanged an occasional email. Having had many years of experience with undercover agents, plus my natural sense about people, it usually didn’t take long to form an opinion about their character, and I soon became suspicious of Ken. During our first meeting he told me he was working from home as a computer consultant. He said that before moving to Eugene he had been doing work for a Saudi Arabian bank. This was interesting. With companies like IBM and Dell providing computers and services to businesses, why would Saudi bankers hire an independent American consultant like my neighbor? While listening to Ken talk about his experience in Saudi Arabia, I was reminded of An who you might recall from my book who told me her bizarre story about working for the US government in Africa and how she got in trouble because of a banking transaction she made. According to her, the US government put her in prison, tortured her, broke her bones and nearly killed her. She survived, she said, only because she was a medical doctor specially trained in caring for trauma patients.

Ken also told me he had worked as a diver for the US military involved in the hazardous work of locating undetonated bombs from many wars. Trying to imagine Ken as a diver searching for live bombs was just as difficult as imagining him and his wife living in Saudi Arabia and him working on some bank’s computer system. Ken was fairly young so I had to wonder, if he was an IT professional capable of getting work with Saudi Arabian bankers, what was he doing as a computer consultant in a small city like Eugene? I once came across Ken at Joe’s Garage where I observed him in their office area, presumably working on their computers, which was a far cry from a Saudi Arabian bank.

Ken’s stories weren’t making much sense and I was not comfortable with something I sensed about his demeanor. He was too casual and seemed a bit of a phony. Perhaps because of their law enforcement positions and power, undercover agents I have met tended to talk as though they were of superior intelligence, and that common folks like me will believe any bullshit they have to offer. I knew I could be wrong, but from early in our relationship I was suspicious of Ken. He sounded like a storyteller and I knew I had to be careful.

Ken and Erica had been living on my street for a couple years when Ken came walking by one day accompanied by a man he introduced as his wife’s brother who he said was living with them. This man was of a quiet nature and appeared vaguely familiar, reminding me of the man who was present during FBI Agent John Ferreira’s questioning about Schwab’s claims that I had attempted to kill him. That was in 2003 after bombs were supposedly found on Schwab’s properties and he reported to the FBI that I was trying to kill him. In years to come Ken occasionally talked about his brother-in-law, always referring to him as a “do nothing” who liked to leach off the family.

I was working in my front yard one day when Erica came walking down the street with one of their Doberman Pinschers. She stopped to talk and we had our first opportunity to get to know each another. She initiated our conversation by telling me about her love of books and how much she enjoyed reading. I wouldn’t realize until later that she was working with Ken and this was a deliberate attempt to get me to discuss my story and my book. However it was really my curiosity about her husband Ken that motivated me to tell her I had just spent three years writing and publishing a nonfiction book. Of course, she asked what the book was about and I provided a brief overview of my story. Erica seemed genuinely interested and asked lots of questions, which every author loves. I asked if she would like a copy of my book and she said yes. So I went inside and autographed one that I then presented to her. Later on I received an email from Ken in which he told me Erica had shown him my book and he was eager to read it. A couple months later he wrote to tell me he and Erica had finished my book and he was reading it. He said they both thought I was a good writer and found my story interesting. Neither Ken or Erica have ever enquired about my battle with Schwab and the US government since.

Ken introduces me to FBI Whore Ashley

I was heading out for a walk one day when I passed Ken and Erica’s home. Ken was in their garage working while a classy looking slender young woman stood watching. She had blond curly hair and was wearing a dress and high heels—a sharp contrast to Ken who was usually unkempt and wearing ugly baggy pajama bottoms and old T-shirts. She was definitely out of place in our neighborhood. I asked Ken what he was up to and he said he was assembling metal shelving units for his garage. He then turned to the young woman, “Wayne, this is my niece Ashley from Kansas City. She will be staying with us for a while.” Though I wasn’t aware of what people from Kansas City might look like, Ashley looked more like a model or movie star. Ken and Erica now had her brother and his niece living with them in their huge house. Ashley was very bubbly and friendly and asked where I lived. I explained that I was on the same side of the street just four houses away. I bid them good day and continued my walk.

I was home from my walk only a short while when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door I was surprised to find Ashley with her big friendly smile. She was a very charming young woman and her friendliness and flirtatious demeanor might cause less suspicion had I not been old enough to be her grandfather. She said, “Hi Wayne. I was thinking about moving here and wanted to talk to you about this neighborhood.” My suspicions about Ken Willis were confirmed. Since he had been living here for many years and was even on our board of directors, why would she walk down the street to talk with me about her desire to move here?

Resisting the urge to invite her in, I said, “Why don’t you talk with your uncle? He is familiar with this area and could help you find a real estate agent that could show you around.” She was okay with this, and when she saw that I was not going to invite her in she left.

Ashley was back a couple days later, this time asking if I knew the homeowner association president’s name. She said she was trying to contact him. This was puzzling and once again I wondered why she wasn’t asking her uncle Ken about these things? I told her that, being on the homeowners’ board of directors, he would surely know the president. I told Ashley honestly that I didn’t know the new president’s name and suggested she talk with Ken. At this point I was certain that Ken and Ashley were undercover agents working for the FBI or a private secret service company, attempting to set me up in a sting operation. Ashley would continue to lead me on until I made advances that in this modern world could be construed as sexual abuse and I would be locked up. But so far their dozens of sting operations that I had survived were laughable.

Ashley dropped by again one day and asked if I would give her a ride downtown. It wasn’t clear where she wanted to go. She was a real doll with her blond curly hair, pretty dress and high heels. She was very friendly and I was tempted to give her a ride, but the potential consequences were too great. Reluctantly, I made an excuse as to why I wouldn’t be able to give her a ride. I felt guilty and thought about the remote possibility she might not be an undercover agent. This was real torture.

Ashley had now provided three opportunities for me to invite her inside my home or accompany her in my car downtown where we would spend time together. I was sure that if I took her up on her offers she would continue flirting and teasing until eventually I made advances. She would go along with it until I went too far. Then she would accuse me of sexual abuse. The FBI would arrest me and I would end up in prison. I sent Ken an email in which I played dumb and told him that Ashley was trying to get in touch with the president of our homeowners association and perhaps he could help her.

While working at my desk one day, I glanced out my window and saw Ashley coming to my front door. When I opened the door to greet her she was bubbly and sweet and said, “Wayne, I was wondering if you would give me a ride to the truck stop.” This set me back a little.

I said, “Truck stop? Why do you want to go to the truck stop?”

She said, “I want to hitch a ride home to Kansas City with a trucker so I can see my kids.” This was ridiculous. The nearest truck stop was located on Interstate I-5 about ten miles north of Eugene. I had great difficulty trying to imagine this pretty young woman hooking up with some truck driver and spending several days with him on the road. I was terribly confused. If Ashley was this desperate to go home and see her kids, why weren’t Ken and Erica helping her? I told Ashley I didn’t think it a good idea for her to be hitching a ride with some truck driver and told her I would not drive her to the truck stop.

After thinking about it for a while I walked up the street to talk with Ken. He answered the door and Ashley was eagerly looking over his shoulder with her happy smile. “Hi Wayne. What you doing?” After acknowledging Ashley I asked Ken if he and I could talk in private. He excused himself and stepped outside and shut the door.

At this point I was very suspicious about what was going on. I was sure I knew the answer when I said, “Ashley’s been visiting me quite a bit and I’m wondering what’s going on. Why is she asking me for help while she has you and Erica here to help her?” He told me it would take a while to explain and it would be better if he came to my place to talk. I said that would be okay and he said he would drop by in a few minutes.

Ken showed up in his usual attire of silly looking pajama bottoms and faded T-shirt. He hadn’t shaved for a few days and appeared slovenly, which seemed normal for him. Once we were seated on the back patio he wasted no time telling me about Ashley’s troubled life. Because she was always in trouble with the law, her husband had divorced her and was awarded custody of their two kids. Now she was looking for a way to get back home to see them. I wondered, if she was this desperate to be home to see them, what was she doing here staying with Ken? Pretending to go along with his story, I asked Ken why he didn’t buy her a plane ticket or drive her to the truck stop so she could get back home to see her kids. He explained that her ex-husband didn’t want her near their kids, and authorities were afraid she would kidnap them from school. So they were watching for her and would arrest her as soon as she got off the plane. I thought her crimes must be very serious if law enforcement people were tracking her whereabouts. How would local police know which plane she was on and when it would be landing?

Ken shook his head and said, “You aren’t the only one Ashley is asking for help. She’s been pestering other neighbors for help getting home.” Without commenting, I again wondered why Ken or Erica hadn’t offered to help her. Ken’s description of Ashley’s troubled life and how she was a fugitive of the law was in sharp contrast with my perception of her. Unlike what one might expect of someone with serious problems with the law, Ashley was outgoing, friendly, and happy. Very importantly, during Ken’s long discussion about his niece’s troubled life, he did not show any empathy for her, or interest in helping her.

By the time he finished his long story, my initial suspicions about Ken a few years prior were confirmed. I now knew that he and Ashley were undercover FBI agents attempting to trap me in a sting operation. Their intent was to temp me into becoming overly friendly with Ashley, arrest me for sexual abuse, and have me locked up the rest of my life. I tried hard not to give Ken reason to believe I was suspicious of him. During our meeting and in subsequent email exchanges I expressed lots of empathy for poor Ashley and the trouble she was in.

A few days later around 4:00 in the afternoon Ashley stopped by pulling a small suitcase with wheels. As usual she was all dressed up and wearing high heels that were totally out of place. Her demeanor was more serious than usual as she smiled and said, “Hi Wayne, I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am leaving and say goodbye.” My immediate reaction was to think she was headed for the nearby bus stop to catch a ride to the Grey Hound depot downtown.

My feelings about Ashley were terribly mixed. Though I felt certain she was participating with Ken in a sting operation and attempting to put me in prison, I was worried about her wellbeing. Especially at this time of day with her dressed like a hooker, how could I just say goodbye and watch her walk away? I asked her, “Where are you going this time of day?

She said, “I’m hitchhiking to the truck stop so I can catch a ride home to see my kids.” This was bizarre. Even if she could find her way across town to I-5, and then ten miles north to the truck stop, she was going to have to find a driver going her way, and then spend a few days driving across country with him. She then asked if I could tell her how to get across town to I-5. Ashley had only been in Eugene a few weeks and didn’t know the area. But as crazy as it sounds I went along with her story and I tried to explain how to navigate across town to I-5. The fact she wasn’t paying much attention and wasn’t writing anything down should have been a clue that she was bullshitting me, but I was in a dilemma. She must have read the concerned look on my face. “You don’t have to worry Wayne. I’m not asking you for a ride.” She put out her hand to shake mine and said, “Goodbye Wayne.” She then turned and started off on her journey, pulling her small suitcase. I was so taken by Ashley that the conflicts in my mind were raging. As I stood watching her walk away I knew I would never see her again.

This was becoming too much for me to handle. Though I was sure Ken and Ashley were attempting to set me up in a sting operation, there was a small chance that I was wrong and she was about to get herself in a lot of trouble. I wondered what the hell was wrong with her uncle Ken? Why wasn’t he giving her a ride to the truck stop? I called Ken and told him about Ashley’s visit. He chuckled, “Don’t listen to her Wayne. She has told others she was hitchhiking to the truck stop, but she always returns. Then he told me again why he refused to give her a ride. Because he said, “As soon as she stepped off the plane in Kansas City she would be arrested.” This was so bizarre; if indeed she was also approaching others why hadn’t someone given her a ride to the truck stop?

It turned out that Ken was right and Ashley had not left the area. The next day while driving near our neighborhood I saw her walking alone in the same direction I was traveling. As I approached her I instinctively wanted to pull over and offer her a ride, but I suspected she was out trolling for me and drove on. A couple days later I was working at my desk when I saw Ashley strolling past my home. She was wearing tight-fitting bright red pants and high heels. Slender, with curly blond hair, she was gorgeous and totally out of place in my neighborhood. Once more I had to resist the urge to step out front and talk with her. Though I was certain this was just another attempt to draw me into her trap, somewhere in the back of my mind I wanted to believe she was for real and might actually be interested in me. Once more I had to remind myself of our age difference, and that she was up to no good. This would be the last time I would see Ashley.

After not seeing or hearing from Ashley for a week, I sent Ken an email and asked how she was doing. He said. “Someone had finally given her a ride to Portland where she had been staying.” This was interesting inasmuch as she had been trying to get a ride to the truck stop and Kansas City. He went on to say, “Erica’s brother is a real softy when it comes to helping people. He drove up to Portland to help her make arrangements for her to fly to Salt Lake City to stay with some Mormons.” If he was such a softy why hadn’t he given her a ride to the truck stop or to Portland? If she was trying to get home to Kansas City to see her kids, why was he flying her to Utah to stay with some Mormons?

This was already sounding like a tall tale when Ken really lost it. He said, “Flying Ashley to Utah wasn’t easy for him because she never travels anywhere without four hundred pounds of luggage.” Whoa there… Now even if slender little Ashley and two strong men could handle four hundred pound suitcases into an airport, which airline would allow such a load to be brought aboard the plane? And how did Ashley get that load to Portland from Ken’s place? Ken had become overzealous in his role as FBI spy, and his story-telling was becoming absurd. I did not let on that I was aware that Ken was lying to me, but nothing was making sense.

A couple days later I followed up with Ken and enquired about how Ashley was doing. Without expressing any concern or empathy for her he said, “Wayne, I’ve lost track of her and I’m finished with her. I want nothing more to do with her.” Inasmuch as his brother-in-law was living with him and had just driven to Portland to help Ashley travel to Salt Lake City, I found it hard to believe he was no longer aware of her plight or interested in how she was doing. After all, it was his niece that was seeking help from him and all his neighbors. It appeared that Ken and his FBI handlers were really messing up.

As with most undercover sting operations I had been involved with, I found myself having to untangle myself from the emotional web, pull myself back into the real world, and remind myself that I was the target of undercover FBI agents intent on trapping me for the purpose of putting me in prison. The stark reality was that everything Ken had been telling me about Ashley were probably lies. If I was right in suspecting Ashley was also an undercover agent, I sometimes wondered what was going through her mind each time she was involved in an encounter with me. Was her mind also playing back and forth between her personal feelings about me, while knowing she was part of an attempt to put me in prison? Indeed, these are dangerous games.

Ken never mentioned Ashley again and stupid as it sounds I missed her charm and happy nature.

Ken Stalking

After Ashley was gone I started running into Ken more frequently. I had been shopping at one grocery store for many years where I had never run across Ken once. Then suddenly I was running into him almost every time I shopped there—usually in the produce department. The first time I ran into him he said he had returned to the store to look for his coffee cup that he had misplaced while shopping. After his tall tales about Ashley, and their attempt to trap me in a sting operation, I thought he was probably lying. Over the years, I had numerous public encounters with suspected women undercover agents and knew I was being tracked via my cell phone. For a long time I had suspected that Ken was tracking me. How else would he know when I was at the grocery store? After a couple of months of meeting Ken at this store he suddenly disappeared and I haven’t seen him there since. Because Ken lives at the end of our dead end street, he must pass my home each time he leaves or returns to his place. After my ordeal with Ashley the number of times he passes has increased significantly. And it’s amazing how often he passes just as I’m about to leave, or just when I’ve arrived home.

The most surprising change after Ashley left is that I no longer see Ken and Erica walking their dogs up and down our street. I asked Ken about this one day and he told me one of the dogs had died and that Erica now walked the other one early in the morning before going to work. I didn’t believe him because I had previously seen Erica walking one of their dogs on other streets in our development during the day. I think access to Erica was removed to prevent me from asking questions about Ashley and her brother and perhaps receiving stories that conflicted with the strange stuff I had been hearing from Ken. Since Ashley left I have not seen Erica on our street except a couple times in the car with Ken.

At this point I feel that Ken has been stalking me and attempting to manipulate my mind with falsehoods so many times I can’t believe anything he says. So when we run into each other we are both on guard and cautious about what we say. It’s a situation where we both know what’s going on, but can’t talk about it.

Curious about how he might respond, in May 2017 I sent Ken an email in which I asked how his niece Ashley was doing. He replied, “I haven’t heard from her in a couple years, but last I heard she was in bad shape. It’s very sad.” Of course, being aware of his role as an undercover agent, and knowing what a liar he is, I didn’t believe him. Part of the reason was based on my perceptions. During the times I had met and talked with Ashley in person, she appeared happy and vivacious. She was always bubbly and smiling. So it was hard to believe that she was in all this trouble, being barred from seeing her kids, having several warrants for her arrest, and running from the law. She just didn’t fit the image. I have learned from experience that the role of a spy is extremely complicated, and they provide little clues that reveal their carefully thought out plans. My purpose in contacting Ken again was fulfilled.

Around the middle of 2016 an associate and I noticed a new Wi-Fi network in the area called “NSA Mobile Snoop”. The idea that National Security Administration would have mobile phone snooping capability in my neighborhood was rather surprising. However, we immediately suspected who was doing the snooping and who the target was. We started wandering around the neighborhood checking the signal strength of various Wi-Fi networks and were quickly convinced this one was originating at Ken Willis’ place. I’ve known for years that Schwab and the US government were monitoring my phones and Internet activities, but this discovery provided proof and was upsetting.

I had had enough of Ken Willis’ game playing and was ready to confront him with my suspicions about who he was and what he and his partners were up to. I began sending Ken emails in which I confronted him with my suspicions about his role in stalking me and monitoring my phone and Internet activities. I also told him I was aware of his and Ashley’s attempt to trap me in a sting operation. Ken did not deny by suspicions, but kept suggesting we get together for coffee. I’m sure he wanted an opportunity to smooth talk me with his bullshit. Or perhaps poison me. While attempting to determine if women I met were legitimate, I learned that the way to find out was to ask them, and if indeed they were secret service agents they would not answer the question. I asked Ken if he was working for the FBI or a secret service company and he refused to answer.

After Donald Trump became president in 2017, I wrote to him and Attorney General Jeff Sessions about Ken Willis and his partner’s years of spying on me and attempted sting operation. Since shortly after my letters, I have not seen Willis’ partner. We will soon see that my initial suspicions about Ken and his brother-in-law were correct.


Sports Card Shop Visit, January 17, 2015

The following visit and discussion with FBI Agent John Ferreira at the undercover FBI’s Sports Card Shop occurred after my neighbor Ken and his partner Ashley attempted to trap me in a sting operation. I discuss this incident in my books. A friend and I stopped to visit the medical marijuana shop next door to the FBI’s undercover sports shop and discovered it was closed. So we decided to go next door and find out if Ferreira had moved to Hawaii yet. The place was empty except for one man who appeared to be browsing racks of cards. Ferreira suddenly appeared from the back room with a big smile as though we were old friends. I introduced my friend and we shook hands. Glancing across the shop, he said, “That’s the new owner.” But he didn’t tell us his name. It was interesting that when we entered the shop this so-called new owner did not turn and look at us or greet us. These are the subtle mistakes secret service agents make.

I was still shook up from my recent encounter with Ken and Ashley when I said, “I recently had an experience that makes me believe there’s an undercover FBI or secret service agent living at the end of my street.”

He scoffed and said, “No way.”

I looked at him seriously and said, “You claim to be retired, but I think you are working undercover for the FBI or a secret service company. I’m aware of several secret service companies in Oregon.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Well, that’s not the US government.” Oh, was this an admission he was working for them and not the US government?

I said, “Charles Schwab might be hiring secret service companies to stalk me.”

He laughed, “Oh, him again…”

Several times I attempted to tell him about Ken and Ashley’s attempted sting operation, but each time he interrupted me and accused me of making up stories. His demeanor had not changed since I first talked with him in August 2002. He was following orders and was not going to listen to my complaints. After all, he was probably representing the US government.

I was driving past the shop about six months later and observed Ferreira’s silver pickup backed up to the door loaded with office equipment. It appeared he was moving. Since then I have never observed his pickup at the shop.

Website by Wayne Pierce & IBM associates with rights

Update: 31 August 2018