Trump Administration & Response to author’s plea for help

January 27, 2022
This post needs organization & editing to sort things out.
For example, the UN Civil Rights discussion toward the end.

May 25, 2018

Since Trump became president I have written him and his attorney general several letters requesting their help. I have copied them on others. I have also copied First Lady Melania Trump and sent her a copy of my latest book for which she wrote to thank me. Even though my letters have been well meaning and include my ideas for improving the US way of life, neither Trump nor his attorney general have even acknowledged receipt of my letters. Trump is copying Obama’s style of dealing with peasants like me. If you ignore them, hopefully they will go away. With continued harassment, if you wait long enough they will go crazy and just die.

During his two terms in office, neither Obama nor anyone in his administration to whom I turned for help replied to my letters. Neither did anyone in Congress. However, as stated elsewhere, the Obama administration turned up the heat in their efforts to stalk and silence me. I’m sure that if he could, Drone Man would have snuffed out my life.

See the very serious Costco entrapment story, which was Obama’s attempt to put me in prison for the rest of my life. Also see my letter to AG Sessions in which I describe how Obama attempted to poison me. Obama was/is a nasty AIPAC puppet and cold hearted killer.

After reading Sibel Edmonds’, “Classified Woman”, which confirms much of what I’ve been through for seventeen years, those of us who have pursued the most serious crimes within the US government soon learn that the US Constitution is dead and all complainers do is waste their time, expose themselves to retaliation, and endanger their wellbeing and life itself. Sibel Edmonds is an amazing woman, and for anyone who wants to comprehend how the US government works, I recommend her books and the website she created, “Newsbud”.

I used to wonder why my representatives in Congress never responded to my requests for help. Just like Sibel Edmonds I have sought help from the Senate Judiciary Committee, but unlike her I did not receive a response to any of my letters to Senator Patrick Leahy. What I learned from her was that the president can issue gag orders for the whole Congress! No wonder my own Oregon representatives have refused to respond to my letters and requests to meet them in person. Folks, when we mess with the big boys we are screwed. There is no constitution and there is no government working for us. The big problem for suckers like me is that nobody tells us that we are on our own in our efforts and are destined to get fucked over.

So, as lovely Kim told me when I told her I was going to report Schwab’s many crimes against us to the government, Forget it. He is too rich and powerful (backed by his Zionist buddies) and no one can touch him. You mean nothing to Charles and he hardly knows you exist. I no idea she had such insight into these men. No wonder she was so desperate to get from under his controls over her life. She discusses her dilemma in many of the emails and letters.

In terms of who in the government will stand up and accept responsibility, the US does not have a functioning government, but is a madhouse of corruption–a shark tank of greedy psychopaths and pedophiles.

Fellow Americans if you have a serious problem with your government or any major institutions close to the government, do yourself a favor, start smoking weed, and forget about it–just like my best friends advised me seventeen years ago. Do you think Charles wishes I had taken Kim’s advice? Do you think he might have paid her to tell me not to mess with him? Isn’t this how our government works?


February 15, 2018

Wayne Pierce

President Donald Trump
Sub: School Shootings & Drugs

Dear President Trump

Instead of building your wall and blocking the entry of gentle, good natured, peaceful foreigners seeking work, I recommend using those funds to protect our school kids from the many neurotics we have created that are harming our kids.
I recommend we build cyclone fences around every school.
Access to the schools will be via security gates where kids and   backpacks are inspected for drugs and weapons. If appropriate for our airports, it should be appropriate for our schools.
All schools will have closed campuses.
Convenience stores will not be allowed within one mile of schools
All upper level schools will hire hall & locker room monitors, tough enough to control the kids and deal with the bullies that are driving our kids out of schools. 30% of high school kids quit school due to bullying. Let’s use some of our tax dollars to crack down on the tremendous bullying problem in our schools. The only thing that will work is if there are monitors that are tougher than the bullies.

Sincerely,    Wayne Pierce



April 30, 2018 Letter to President Trump

Wayne Pierce

April 30, 2018

President Donald Trump
Subject: Illegal Drugs

Dear President Trump

My comments about the wall were uninformed, for I was not considering the loads of illegal drugs coming across the Mexican border. These drugs are from many sources, ranging from the CIA’s poppy fields in Afghanistan to the coca farms in Columbia. As you know, illegal drug use in the US is of epidemic proportions and out of control. Even if law enforcement could control these drugs, cutting off the supply to addicts all over the world would create a monumental problem.

In order to get control and manage this problem, the first step is to remove the profit motive. This would require that US and/or state governments become the source of these drugs, either by growing the crops themselves, or purchasing the crops from the farmers at contractural prices.

US drug companies would produce the drugs for the US government at set prices–to keep the prices low.

The drugs would be prescribed by certain approved and well-monitored doctors for registered addicts. This would be similar to licensing medical marijuana, but with much stricter controls.

Because illegal drugs are so expensive, today’s addicts must engage in illegal activities and sacrifice the wellbeing of themselves and their families. My recommended method of control and distribution of these drugs would allow addicts to receive their “medication”, while allowing them to lead relatively normal lives.

This system will only work if rich men and government officials at all levels are prevented from becoming involved. China’s death penalty for drug importers and dealers seems like good place to start.

Ironically, the savings in law enforcement and prisons will pay for the wall, which we will no longer need.

Sincerely, Wayne Pierce

Copy: Congressman Peter DeFazio



February 8, 2018


President Trump, Attorney General Sessions, and leaders in Congress have not responded to my pleas for help. The US government has ignored my pleas for sixteen years while Charles Schwab and AIPAC have directed the US government’s campaign to destroy me: Spying, stalking, harassment, sting & entrapment operations, attempts on my life, driving me crazy–the works. The US government is Israel & AIPAC’s war machine against the world & uncooperative gentiles whether at home or abroad.

Undercover FBI agent Ken Willis (my slovenly neighbor) and his partners continue their clandestine operation against me out of his nearby house. They have utilized NSA’s Mobile Snoop system. They monitor my Internet activity, email, and phone calls. They track my whereabouts via my cell phone. I’m sure they are working on their next sting and entrapment operations for the purpose of putting me behind bars.

My only worry is that these FBI ass holes will drive me out of my mind before they haul my ass to prison?

This shit has been going on for sixteen years! And I must always be on guard for what these sewer rats have in store for me. You don’t believe it? Ask Chuck. Schwab has been fucking up Kim’s and my life since 2001 when she left him and took up with a gentile peasant like me.

Being more in touch with reality than me, Kim told me several times that she would never be free of Schwab’s control. She also warned, “If you mess with Charles and try to interfere he will have his people take care of you.”

During Schwab’s attempt to frame me for attempting to kill him (refer to Bomb Hoax) FBI Agent John Ferreira talked seriously with me and asked, “Aren’t you afraid of being killed?”

Of my many friends at IBM with whom I discussed Schwab’s crimes against Kim & me hacking, there was not one who didn’t echo Kim’s warning and tell me I was going to get myself killed.

These warnings about Schwab were tough to take. And then Bush and Cheney joined his effort to silence me. These are the people who conspired with the Zionists’ false flag attack on 9/11, and then illegally destroyed  Iraq & many other middle east countries.

For oligarchs like Schwab & the US government our lives are inconsequential.

This is America folks where the idea of freedom of speech, justice, and equal protection under the law is a giant crock of shit. Those privileges were all intended for the Zionists, not us stupid Gentiles who have been duped all our lives into believing we were something special. For the Zionist elite who control our lives, we are actually considered lower than pig shit. Ask President George W. Bush & Vice President Dick Cheney who so willingly conspired with Schwab and his AIPAC buddies to fuck up Kim’s and my life and destroy me. By the way, Schwab and his Zionist buddies’ continue their efforts to harm me and I can only wonder when they will succeed in putting me out of my misery. Thank God for my many IBM friends who are standing with me and who will carry on this effort.

How about those poor Gentile fuckers who went to work at the Towers on 9/11, oblivious to the fact they were destined to be murdered by Zionism pigs–with full approval and assistance of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Congress, AIPAC, and of course Israel, whose Mossad performed the demolition work. Like Leonard Cohen sings, “Every body knows…”.

If the Zionists can get away with such blatant crimes against humanity before the eyes of the world, do you think peasants like me have a chance? Perhaps with the help of leaders like Presidents Vladimir Putin & Donald Trump these criminals will be brought to justice. Otherwise humanity is doomed. 

Leaders at all levels of US government have sold their souls to Israel and the AIPAC Pig Fuckers and are deliberately ignoring their oaths of office to uphold the US Constitution. They willingly bring harm to people all over the world on behalf of their corrupt masters. Ask Chuck.

This system would not work if so many citizens like FBI Agent John Ferreira and Ken Willis weren’t so eager to join these forces and bring harm to their fellow man. People like this are low lifers just like Mr. Schwab.

President Trump & Attorney General Sessions, please stop using US government officials to bring harm to American citizens on behalf of the Zionists who have already all but destroyed America and so many innocent lives.

Please stop the current Zionist frenzied effort to search every politician’s background to age 18 for incidents that might be construed as sexual abuse. If every man who’s put his hand on some “reluctant” girls thigh is disqualified for membership in Congress, there will be no Congress and the AIPAC whore mongers will take control.

It’s interesting that we rarely hear about wealthy Zionists & members of AIPAC being accused of sexual abuse or human trafficking. How about Schwab who claims to have been married while having a two-year affair with Kim Haines, the main character in my story? How about how he and the US government have been keeping her a slave and dominating her life for around eighteen years? Her emails with me reveal the whole story about Mr. Schwab’s control of her life and her desperation to escape him. Please keep in mind that since Schwab and the US government took control of her life many years ago, she has not been allowed to communicate with me. So I do not know if she is alive or dead. She was very ill the last time we communicated. Has anyone investigated Schwab’s background regarding human trafficking or pedophilia?



Letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions


Wayne Pierce

October 9, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Sub:     Charles Schwab & US government Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
Ref:     My letter to you on June 20, 2017

Mr. Sessions,
I believe it was the FBI or secret service that hired undercover agent Ken Willis and planted him on my street for the purpose of spying on me. Willis was chosen because of his IT skills that would facilitate his hacking my computers, monitoring my Internet activities and telephone communications, and tracking my whereabouts via my iPhone. Willis’ occupation and purpose for being on my street was not difficult to figure out. Because of my vast experience dealing with Charles Schwab and US government undercover agents, I soon became suspicious and figured Willis was working with FBI Agent John Ferreira, who I believed was coordinating Schwab and US government clandestine efforts to silence me. My suspicions about Willis were confirmed in 2014 when he and his partner Ashley attempted to entrap me in an elaborate sting operation.

Ken Willis’ presence in my neighborhood has been a constant reminder that Schwab and the US government have invested lots of time and money for the purpose of silencing me, and that I must be vigilant, for any mistakes and my days of freedom and life itself could end at any moment.

Once more I am requesting that the US government end your illegal efforts to harass and silence me. And once more I am requesting that you remove undercover agent Willis and his accomplices from my neighborhood. Eugene is a small city, so in order to preclude Willis and I running into each other, I request you relocate him far away to a city in another state.

I also request that you honor my civil rights and lift the gag orders Bush and Obama issued to prevent members of Congress, all levels of law enforcement, the media, and Kim from communicating with me. This of course requires that President Trump lift the gag orders issued to his own cabinet members. How un-American that for the past fifteen years my own representatives in Congress have not been allowed to discuss my case with me, just as you have not been able to discuss my case with me.

It is time for Mr. Schwab to be arrested and put in prison. Mr. Schwab has been committing serious crimes against Kim and me for over fifteen years. Blatant computer hacking, email and document theft, harassment, denigration of my character, civil rights abuse, blackmail, attempting to frame me for attempting to kill him, and an attempt to entrap me by enticing me to discuss the hiring of people to assassinate President Obama. Mr. Schwab involved Kim in a high-level insider trading scheme that is reason enough to put him in prison for many years. Mr. Schwab’s crimes against Kim and me are discussed in my books and on my blog. All of my accusations and supportive evidence against Mr. Schwab are presented in dozens of my letters to top-level officials of the US government.





President Donald Trump
First Lady Melania Trump
Chancellor Angela Merkel
China President Xi Jinping
Russia President Vladimir Putin
Mr. Charles Schwab
Mrs. Helen Schwab
Mr. Ken Willis
Mrs. Erika Willis
Eugene Police Chief Pete Kerns






Letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan


Wayne Pierce

October 6, 2017:  Updated with minor revisions


October 3, 2017


Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
1233 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515

Subject: Charles Schwab & US Government Conspiracy Against Author

Dozens of letters to the Bush, Obama, & Trump administrations
Stories included in books referenced on author’s blog

Congressman Ryan:

In 2001 I started dating and became engaged to stockbroker Charles Schwab’s former fiancée. I did not learn about their relationship until I had been going with her for about six months. Schwab didn’t like his former lover going with “…that idiot without a pot to piss in” like me and embarked on many months of illegal activities to force her to break up with me. One of his initial activities, while he was working as President Bush’s chief economics advisor and was in line for Secretary of the Treasury, was hacking my computers on a regular basis. He stole or damaged my documents and email, which he shared with others, and with which he blackmailed his former lover.

Schwab’s hackers were accomplished and I’m sure he had been using them for years to hack his competitors’ computers in order to stay ahead of them and improve his own wealth.

In 2002, after I reported Schwab’s crimes against my fiancée and me to President Bush and his DOJ, instead of investigating my complaints and bringing Schwab to justice, the US government conspired with Schwab in an ongoing clandestine effort to silence me. This effort has included dozens of sting and entrapment operations and has been ongoing for fifteen years.

In 2003 Schwab and the US government attempted to frame me for attempting to murder Schwab. FBI Agent John Ferreira who interrogated me said that I was being questioned—because Schwab had told the FBI he thought I was attempting to kill him. I include the full story in my books. As I discuss in my books, had I not changed my travel plans, and had instead been in California as planned, I would be spending the rest of my life in prison. And such are the ways of the Zionists that control the US government and rule the US. Gentile lives mean nothing to the Zionist oligarchs.

Schwab and the US government’s most serious effort to lock me up and throw away the key took place at Eugene’s Costco store. A secret service agent posing as a vendor talked with me about my writing and books. When I told him about Schwab and the US government’s stalking and sting operations, he attempted to entrap me by enticing me to talk about getting even by hiring assassins he knew to kill President Obama. He went into detail explaining how easy it would be knock off our president. When I heard him say these things, I knew I was being set up; one wrong word and I would be a goner. Sensing what the government was up to and the idea that President Obama could think I would fall for such a tactic put me in shock and I could hardly breath. The stress was so severe that in coming weeks it triggered an inflammation response that I have suffered ever since. I can’t imagine that government agents would be allowed to subject an American citizen to this activity without President Obama being aware and knowing I could easily end up in prison.

Ironically, shortly after Trump was elected, there was a public attempt to poison me. My associates and I think this action was initiated by the Obama administration prior to Trump’s election. If we are correct, this would be the US government’s second attempt on my life. I discuss this incident on my blog.

The US government and Mr. Schwab have been stalking and attempting to imprison me or kill me for fifteen years. This has caused severe stress and has damaged my health. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that the US government has no legal controls over rich Zionists like Schwab. Our oligarchs break our laws with impunity and totally ignore the civil rights of American citizens. These Jews consider themselves very special.

As you know, we have statute of limitation laws that limit the number of years law enforcement people can pursue even known suspects of the most heinous crimes. So how about if we create laws that limit the number of years the US government and oligarchs can pursue and attempt to harm innocent people like me? Maybe five years would be considered sufficient.

I recommend that you propose to Congress a law that would establish such a statute of limitation that would protect innocent people like me from the corrupt US government and oligarchs like Mr. Schwab.

After many years of being the fox trying to outrun the pack of hounds and their master, I would love the opportunity to take it easy and relax for the few years I have left.


Sincerely, Wayne Pierce


President Donald Trump
First Lady Melania Trump
President Vladimir Putin
Chancellor Angela Merkel
EU President Jean-Claude Juncker
UN President Miroslav Lajčák
Mr. Charles Schwab
Mrs. Charles Schwab



Letter to President Donald Trump


Wayne Pierce

July 24, 2017

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Subject:  Women

Dear President Trump:

I am sure you know that women are very important in a man’s life. And I’m sure First Lady Melania Trump was an important factor in your becoming our president. Her elegance and grace accompanied by her knowledge and political savvy are a welcomed addition to our political scene.

President Trump, you are fortunate in that every morning you awaken to your lovely Melania who brings love, purpose, and courage, not only to you, but to your family. Indeed, you are blessed in many ways.

I know how it feels to share this type of love with a woman, for in the latter part of 2001 I met Kim with whom I fell in love. We soon became engaged and were planning to marry. After we became engaged Kim told me about her former engagement to stockbroker Charles Schwab.

In early 2002 Kim moved in with me and despite constant harassment from Mr. Schwab, we began our life together. Every morning I awoke with lovely Kim beside me or in my arms, thinking I was the luckiest man in the world. However evil forces meant to destroy our relationship were underway.

Through evil means, Schwab eventually forced Kim to break our engagement, leave me, and return to him. But as one might expect under such unloving circumstances, Kim soon left him a second time and attempted to return to me.

My complaints against Schwab were a mistake for he and his Zionist buddies quickly conspired with President Bush (took control) to protect him from our system of justice. Gag orders were issued that prohibited all levels of government from communicating with me. And Schwab and Bush took control of Kim’s life. Gag orders were issued that prohibited her and her family from communicating with me. At this time Kim was suffering life-threatening illnesses and for many years I have not known if she is alive or dead.

Besides blocking investigation into my complaints against Schwab, Bush conspired with Schwab in an effort to silence me. Their efforts have included dozens of sting operations intended to trap me so they could put me in prison. How it works: The rich man commits crimes against a common man. If the common man complains to the government, the government helps the rich man silence the sucker and put him in prison. Could this be one of the reasons Sigmund Freud told a friend that, “Democracy and Capitalism in America is the greatest experiment of mankind, but I’m afraid it will never work.”

Unlike my appeals to President Bush, my letters to President Obama were all ignored.

President Trump, I know that in your position it probably would never happen. However thinking back to before you became president, try to imagine that there were evil men in the world so powerful they could force your lovely Melania to leave you against her will. They could take control of her life and prevent her from communicating with you and your family. And try to imagine that in your desperation to save Melania from these evil men the US government would not even respond to your pleas for help. Neither would leaders in Congress. I do understand that men of wealth have other options not available to commoners.

Making matters much worse, try to imagine that the US government conspired with these evil men to silence your complaints and cries for help and put you in prison. Or kill you.

These evil men have stolen your Melania and taken control of her life—and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing. And there’s nothing you could do about their constant harassment and attempts to do you harm.

If you can imagine being subjected to these hostilities from a man like Schwab and the US government, and spending fifteen years pining for your lovely Melania, perhaps you will understand how Schwab and the US government’s illegal activities have affected Kim and me.

If she is alive, I request that you remove your controls over Kim’s life and allow her and her family to communicate with me. Once more I request that you discontinue your stalking and subjecting me to sting operations.

Sincerely,  Wayne Pierce


First Lady Melania Trump
MS. Helen Schwab Added July 27, 2017
MR. Charles Schwab Added July 27, 2017
Following added July 30, 2017
President Bill Clinton
Secretary Hillary Clinton
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Mrs. Mary Sessions
House Speaker Paul Ryan
Mrs. Janna Ryan
Congressman Ted Cruz
Mrs. Heidi Cruz
Senator Marco Rubio–Human rights advocate
Mrs. Jeanette Dousdebes Rubio

Please note:  It is obvious that Schwab was desperate and obsessed with having Kim back (engaged), but it had nothing to do with love. I discuss Schwab’s huge insider trading dilemma in which he involved Kim to the tune of $20m in Micron’s attempted takeover of Hynix in my books. Without Bush, Obama. and Trump’s protection, Schwab would probably still be in prison.

Will President Trump and Congress now join Bush and Obama and continue to protect Schwab? Will they continue their efforts to imprison or kill me? Or will they sever the Zionist controls over the US government and bring the perpetrators to justice? Better yet would be to see Schwab, Bush, & Cheney brought to justice in the International Court of Justice.

Trump letter update:

Neither President Trump nor anyone on the distribution list has responded to my letter. This is because problems like this are similar to that of the pedophile rings–where so many people are involved with the crimes that they dare not address the problem for fear of being exposed themselves. Three presidents and vice presidents have been involved with Schwab’s illegal war against me, and so have leaders in US Congress including my Oregon representatives. Under severe pressure and threats from Schwab and his AIPAC buddies, the official US government has been rendered nonfunctional for decades.


Wayne Pierce

June 20, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Subject:          Charles Schwab & US government crimes against author
Reference:      Dozens of letters to Bush, Obama, and Trump administration

Dear Attorney General Sessions:

Because I unknowingly started dating and became engaged to stockbroker Charles Schwab’s former lover, he initiated a campaign against me with the purpose of destroying our relationship and forcing her to return to him. I believe his purpose was to avoid the appearance of serious insider trading related to having involved her in his effort to assist Micron Corporation in acquiring Hynix Corporation from South Korean bankers.

Schwab’s illegal activities against us included, harassment, stalking, computer hacking, email theft, blackmail, and denigration of my character. Schwab’s crimes against us continued for a period of about eight months. After I reported Schwab’s crimes to the FBI in Oregon, the Bush administration quickly came to Mr. Schwab’s defense. Ironically, during the period Schwab was committing crimes against my fiancée and me, he was heading up Bush’s economic team. The Bush administration issued gag orders to all levels of government, causing them to refuse to communicate with me. Even my representatives in Congress refuse to discuss my complaints or meet with me.

When all other avenues failed, I wrote to President Bush. I received a letter from him via his assistant advising that Bush was referring my case to the US Department of Justice. Of course, the stage was already set and I was eventually advised that indeed I didn’t have a case because I failed to provide any evidence. I discuss this experience in my two books. When I would not go away, but continued to write and attempt to argue my case, Schwab and the US government initiated an effort to silence me. I believe this effort was the work of Bush’s chief advisor Karl Rove.

For almost fifteen years Schwab and the US government have been attempting to silence me. I have been subjected to relentless harassment and dozens of sting and entrapment operations that, if successful, would have resulted in my spending the rest of my life in prison. These operations usually involve undercover women who attempt to lure me into behavior that could be construed as sexual abuse, similar to how the US government trapped Julian Assange and are ruining his life. However, most serious were an attempt to frame me for attempting to murder Schwab (refer to Bomb Hoax) and an attempt to get me to discuss assassinating Obama (refer to Costco Sting) that, if successful, would have resulted in my spending the rest of my life in prison.

After many years of having to be alert to these attempts to do me harm and have me locked up, the attempt to entrap me by getting me to discuss killing Obama was extremely difficult. It left me in shock and wrecked my health. A couple months after this attempt to set me up so they could accuse me of planning to kill our president, the stress resulted in a major immune response that left me debilitated. Though doctors advise that my problem is due to stress, no one offers a cure.

I awake each morning knowing there are secret service undercover agents in Eugene waiting for an opportunity to do me harm. One is FBI Agent John Ferreira who has been stalking me since 2002, and I believe has done most the planning against me. Living about a block away on my street is undercover agent Ken Willis. He’s been stalking me for maybe ten years and was joined by a female agent in an elaborate sting operation in an attempt to have me arrested and thrown in prison. I have met undercover agents at my writers club meetings and at a coffee shop near my home. I have met undercover agents in grocery stores and at the mall. But where they are most plentiful is on social networking websites. I believe that at least half of all women on dating sites are undercover agents working for the US government or anyone else trying trap people like me in sting operations. I have discussed many of these sting operations in my books and letters, but of course the US government never responds.

Probably the most blatant attempt to do me harm occurred two months after President Trump was elected. While observing a Trump protest rally here in Eugene, two undercover agents set me up and attempted to poison me. I wrote Trump and Eugene’s Police Chief Pete Kerns about this attempt to kill me, but I didn’t receive a response. Which proves to me that I was correct.

Mr. Sessions, it is clear that the US government is never going to address my complaints and bring Charles Schwab and his co-conspirators to justice for how they have damaged my life. However, I request that Schwab and the US government discontinue their campaign against me and allow me to live my remaining years in peace.

I am requesting that you remove undercover agent Ken Willis from my neighborhood and discontinue his stalking and monitoring my phones and email. I request that you remove NSA Mobile Snoop, which I think is being operated from Ken Willis’s home. I request that you shut down the FBI front coffee shop in the tiny mall near my home. This shop replaced John Ferreira’s Sports Card shop. And please stop hiring undercover agents on social networking sites so they can play games with me. In many situations the use of sexual abuse as a reason to arrest someone is ridiculous and we need to change the laws. How is it possible, especially in Sweden, that two women (probably prostitutes) could invite Julian Assange to stay over and sleep with them and then go to police and accuse him of sexual abuse? I’ve read that Karl Rove was in Sweden when this occurred, so I am pretty sure we know who was responsible for setting up Assange in this sting operation. One must wonder how many other innocent men are in prison because they accepted a woman’s invitation to sleep with them. Mr. Sessions, this has happened to me twice and I escaped only because I had already been subjected to so many sting operations.

Please remove Ken Willis and John Ferreira and other agents who are stalking me and use them in your fight against real criminals like the tens of thousands of sick pedophile creeps that are destroying so many children’s lives.




President Donald Trump
Eugene Police Chief Pete Kerns

July 7, 2017

Followup for letter to AG Jeff Sessions

I was pleased to see that the Kaldis coffee shop FBI undercover operation has closed. However, my neighbor Ken Willis hasn’t given up and continues to stalk me. My associates and I believe he is still monitoring my Internet and cell phone activities and continues to operate the NSA Mobile Snoop application in our neighborhood.

Once more I am requesting that Attorney General Jeff Sessions remove Ken Willis from my neighborhood and discontinue Schwab and the US government’s fifteen years of stalking me and attempting to do me harm. These activities are unconstitutional and illegal at every level of government.

Except for my complaints about undercover agent Ken Willis, my allegations and supportive evidence is included in my books. As long as Schwab and the US government allow me to stick around, I will be happy to discuss Ken Willis & his partner’s attempted sting operation a couple years ago.

 July 7, 2017

I recently noticed that the Kaldis coffee shop that I’m sure was an FBI undercover operation has closed. However, my associates and I are convinced my neighbor Ken Willis continues to stalk me. He is monitoring my Internet and cell phone activities. And he continues to operate the NSA Mobile Snoop application from his home. Once more I am requesting that Attorney General Jeff Sessions remove Ken Willis from my neighborhood and discontinue the US government’s fifteen years of stalking & attempting to do me harm.


United Nations
Human Rights Council

Hey Gentiles. Got a complaint about a rich Zionist?
Our official advice:  Go piss off
We’re busy humping prostitutes & molesting little kids in foreign countries
So quit interrupting our parties

 In response to my second complaint filed in February 2017 about the fifteen years of Schwab/US government stalking and attempts to silence me the UN has investigated my complaints and conclude that my civil rights have not been compromised. I know. I am laughing so hard my sides are hurting.

The UN Civil Rights group supposedly spent three months investigating my complaints. However, they did this without ever talking with me about what Schwab & the US government have put me through for fifteen years. As their history of Hitler and the holocaust and invention of the terrorist threat have taught us, Zionists are great at ignoring facts and creating their own reality.

The reason the UN gave for ignoring my complaint was the same line of bullshit I heard from the US Department of Justice when I first filed my complaint in 2002; I had no evidence. Of course, just like the UN, the DOJ ignores the facts and attempts to placate me with bullshit–the lubrication of the Zionist machine. As long as Zionist rule the US, civil rights and equal justice will remain a joke.

If the US government & other nations can ignore the Zionists’ deliberate atrocities on 9/11, there is no hope for democracy, civil rights, or justice and humanity is doomed.

So President Trump, it appears that right now you are the only one who might be able to stop the ongoing Schwab/US government illegal activities against me. But if you consider such a move, be aware that your tenure in the White House might be short lived.


UN Human Trafficking & Sex Scandal Headquarters
Specializing in Pedophilia

Click on Link

U.N. child abuse scandal is latest in history of sex crimes committed by U.N. officials, peacekeepers

President Trump should pull out of the UN & NATO
Headquarters For Zionist
Human Trafficking, Sexual Abuse & War For $$$


Wayne Pierce

June 3, 2017

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Sub: Charles Schwab & US Government Stalkers

Dear President Trump:

After I reported Charles R. Schwab’s crimes to President Bush nearly fifteen years ago, he and the US government employed secret service agents to stalk me and attempt to trap me in sting operations and get me off the streets. The number of sting operations I’ve been subjected to is in the dozens, and these are just those I am aware of. Had any of these been successful, I would have been thrown in prison where I would remain the rest of my life. I discuss some of the more serious sting operations in my books and on my blog.

Many years ago when this first started I believe it was the US government that hired a secret service agent named Ken Willis to live on my street where he could spy one me and set me up in a very obvious sting operation. He’s a computer guy and I believe he’s responsible for monitoring my phone and Internet services. When no one in the government will talk with victims like me we have to try to figure it out on our own.

I am quite certain I make no mistake when I tell you that Ken Willis and a cute young female agent attempted to trap me in a well-planned sting operation. I’ve been subjected to so many of these attempts to throw my ass in prison that I am super cautious. As you can imagine, my always having to be cautious like this has cause severe stress and wrecked my social life. Whether I meet a woman online or in a grocery store, I cannot be free and open, but must always be on guard lest I get set up and removed from society, which has been Charles Schwab’s goal since 2002. This of course has taken much of the fun out of meeting and socializing with women. On a much more significant scale, this is how the US government trapped Julian Assange in a sting operation.

Charles Schwab and the US government have been harassing and stalking me for fifteen years. Because I have not committed any crimes, the government treats me like a so-called terrorist and attempts to trap me in sting operations. Sort of like the big city cops that plant dope in some black guy’s pocket so they can meet their quota. By the way, this trick was played on me a couple years ago. At first I thought it was an undercover Eugene cop, but it could very well have been an undercover FBI agent.

President Trump, I am requesting that you call off your secret service agents, stop trying to entrap me, quit monitoring my phone and email activity—and set me free. If President Obama can pardon Chelsea Manning for leaking military secrets, perhaps you can pardon me for reporting Charles Schwab’s crimes against my fiancée and me.



PS: An IBM associate and I have discovered an NSA Mobile Snoop op that we believe is being operated from the home of my neighbor Ken Willis for the purpose of monitoring my iPhone and stalking me. President Trump, the US government or Mr. Schwab has been paying my neighbor to fuck with my life for ten or more years. When I enter the rest home in a few years are you going to pay my idiot neighbor to hide in the bushes with his NSA Snoop gear and spy on me while I hustle  the old arthritic grannies? President Trump, please get this scum bag and all your other secret service agents out of my life. Please.

Congressman Peter DeFazio
President Vladimir Putin
Chancellor Angela Merkel
Mr. Julian Assange


Note: Following are examples of how this blog’s Pages & Posts are being altered, either by hackers or bugs in WordPress software:

Information removed


Trump/Russia To Be Investigated

Special Prosecutor Paul Mueller?
Mueller hasn’t responded to my many requests that he investigate my complaints against Charles Schwab.
Following is one of many letters I wrote to FBI Director Paul Mueller and other government officials. Mr. Mueller did not respond to any of my letters directly to him or to those he was copied on. Neither did anyone on distribution respond to this letter.
Keep in mind that Mr. Mueller was FBI director during the FBI’s attempted Bomb Hoax sting operation, and the FBI’s attempted entrapment operation at Eugene’s Costco store (See Posts on this blog). These covert FBI operations are discussed in full in my books.
After the illegal activities conducted under his watch, just in my case, is Mr. Mueller capable of leading an impartial criminal investigation of such great consequence as President Trump’s suspected conspiracy with Russia’s President Putin?



Wayne Pierce

January 28, 2004

Mr Robert Mueller, III, FBI Director
Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Blvd
Washington, DC 20535-0001

Subject: Mr. Charles Schwab: Harassment, stalking, lying to the FBI
Attachments: Emails between Ms. Varian (Kim) Haines and myself

Dear Mr Mueller,

In the past few weeks, my Norton Internet Security software has let me know that there have been numerous attempts to invade my computer. At least one virus made it into my computer’s system. This has happened numerous times in the past couple years.

A few days ago, I discovered evidence that indicates my computer had once more been hacked into, and files damaged. Interestingly, the only folder and files that were damaged were those related to case against Mr. Charles Schwab. Of the dozens of letters I have written to him, President Bush, and others in government, none could be opened with MS Word, in which they were created. However, none of the hundreds of other documents on my computer were affected—that I know of. They still opened normally with MS Word. Thus, I must conclude that Mr. Schwab continues to have people hacking into my computer on a regular basis. This has now gone on for over two years.

After becoming involved with Mr. Schwab’s former fiancée, Ms. Varian (Kim) Haines, she advised me numerous times about Schwab’s ongoing harassment and stalking of her and any man she might date. After becoming engaged to be married and while living together, she confided in me that Schwab had been hacking into my computer and stealing my emails for many months. She later documented her concerns with his illegal activities in numerous emails to me. Schwab also seems to know an awful lot about my personal life, which causes me to assume that he had Trojan Horses inside my computer and access to everything on my computer. The evidence is very clear.

Schwab’s hacking into my computers has caused them to crash many times. Each time I work with the techs at Microsoft, local technicians, or computer security experts, the feedback is the same: It appears that someone has hacked into your computer. This results in my having to reformat the hard drive, reinstall Windows, and reinstall all my other software—something that takes many hours. Never in my many years of experience with computers, starting at my work with IBM, have I experienced such disastrous results from computers.

Not too long ago, I received a phone call from Kim’s fiancé, Mr. Tom Flagg, whom she was to marry this past December. Flagg complained to me about Schwab’s ongoing harassment of him and Kim. He said that Schwab was constantly denigrating his character to Kim and often called while he was at her place. This caused her to become angry and sometimes slam the phone down on Schwab. Flagg expressed lots of empathy for what I had been through with Kim and Schwab and requested information about the complaints I had filed against Schwab. He asked for copies, which I provided. After that we exchanged a few emails.

Just as with Kim and me, once more Schwab was successful in destroying an attempt by Kim to have a relationship and become married. The stress levels became so high that, rather than becoming married, she broke up with Flagg on Christmas day and had him move out. As in my case, which she lamented about for many months, I suspect that Schwab blackmailed her into breaking up with Flagg. As I have explained many times to deaf ears, he does this through his controls over her finances.

When I first met Kim, she told me that Schwab was obsessed about having her back and that he would stop at nothing. Indeed, I have learned the hard way that she was right. He will hound this poor woman until she old and helpless and finally agrees to move into the retirement mansion he built for them at Pebble Beach, California.

All this is very interesting, for, as you know, Schwab and Kim have told the FBI that they don’t even know one another. I have a letter from Schwab’s top corporate attorney in which he claims Schwab doesn’t know Kim or me. And they both make me out to be some nut case who is harassing them. Indeed, could anything be more stupid than Schwab’s trying to frame me by placing a couple phony bombs near his properties in Carmel and then telling the FBI he thought I did it? Though the FBI has sufficient evidence to prove they are both lying, they refuse to investigate and prosecute—because of Schwab’s special relationships with President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others in government. As we all learned in our studies of history, money is what counts.

During our time together, Kim let me know that if I ever did anything to interfere with Schwab’s harassment or illegal activities, he would have his people come after me. You will see in the attached email from her that she believes in this type response to problems, and has now made threats of her own. Her threat came after she learned that Flagg and I were talking about our similar problems with Schwab. I have no idea what Flagg told her.

I fully believe that most of Kim’s behavior relative to Schwab is due to fear of this man. If you’ve read my last two letters to President Bush, you will know that she has feared for her life, should she cross him. She even fears him due to the fact that she betrayed his trust and told me about his computer hacking activities. She is the witness that would count most and he knows it. During our time together, I learned of his blackmailing her several times.

Who knows who? While talking with Flagg, I told him that Kim and Schwab both claimed to the FBI that they didn’t know one another. This was their way of protecting Schwab from prosecution. Flagg told me that they certainly did know one another because she told him all about Charles Schwab and the problems he caused her. As I mentioned before, he also talked about Schwab’s frequent phone calls while he was in the room with her. I have mentioned many times before that while Kim was living with me, Schwab was constantly calling and upsetting Kim.

As you know, I have written to Schwab and requested that he stop harassing and stalking Kim and me. I also requested that he stop hacking into my computer. As you know, I have filed complaints against Schwab with the FBI and the SEC, and have written to Attorney General John Ashcroft, President George Bush, and numerous others in the US Government. However, there is this huge silence and lack of response—in hopes the problem will just go away.

I’m sure you also know that because of Schwab’s wealth and heavy contributions to the campaigns of President Bush and others, that he can break the law with impunity and there is nothing I can do about it. He’s only one of our powerful rich men who make their own rules and influence our government.

I am once more requesting that you investigate and prosecute Charles Schwab for his illegal activities. I feel this is very important because someone is likely to become hurt or killed. I am old and don’t worry much about dying, but I am very worried about Kim, who Schwab has tortured for the past three or four years. I have stood by while she has suffered what appeared to be total emotional breakdowns because of Schwab’s harassment and blackmail. I have heard her crying on the phone about being afraid she was going to be killed. I have heard her ask that I be sure to tell her oldest son what happened to her. Just how much damage, injury, or death must Charles Schwab cause before you and President Bush decide to stop him.

Because I feel that Schwab is perfectly capable of having Kim or me killed, I have spent the past year preparing for such an event. I have written the story about Kim’s and my life together, and the constant harassment and stalking by Charles Schwab. I have included all my letters to our government and others relative to the case. I have provided these to several entities. Should anything happen to either Kim or me, our story will quickly hit the internet for the world to see. They will soon learn how our government stood by and did nothing, while Charles Schwab caused great harm to others and broke the law with impunity.

I urge you to proceed with a full investigation of Schwab, in which I will provide any documents or information you would like. However, as is more likely the case, if you and President Bush are still afraid to go after Charles Schwab because of his wealth and power, please at least go to him and request that he stop harassing and stalking Kim and hacking into my computer. We are both sick of his depraved activities and would like some peace.

                                                                              Sincerely, Wayne Pierce

President George Bush
Attorney John Ashcroft
Senator Bill Fisk
Senator Tom Daschele


President Trump’s Executive Orders
Will he be allowed to rule?

Here’s a test

If President Trump is truly in charge, with the stroke of his pen he will end Charles R. Schwab & the US government’s fifteen year conspiracy against Wayne Pierce & Kim Haines. Trump will also order an investigation into Pierce’s complaints and bring Schwab & his co-conspirators to justice for their many years of criminal activities against the couple, whose only crime was to fall in love. Trump can send a clear message to other Zionist psychopathic rats that rule the US that if they commit crimes against American citizens they will no longer be protected, but treated equally under US law. For their fifteen years of criminal activities against Kim Haines and Wayne Pierce, Schwab and his co-conspirators should receive at least twenty years in prison with weekly waterboarding, which Trump favors.


The Russian Hackers Are Back

Open letter to President Donald Trump


Wayne Pierce

May 1, 2017

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Sub: Fake Russian Hackers
        Attached website Statistics (Charts not included here)

President Trump,

Since my website was first published several years ago it has been popular with corporate and government offices from around the world. Within the first week it was hit over seven thousand times. As one might expect, my website is often subjected to what’s called brute force attacks by ill wishers who would love to break into the site and destroy it. Up until recently, these attempts to break into my website have never originated in Russia. Now I’m sure you know that, even if a visit to one’s website originates from a certain country, it does not mean it originated from that country’s government. It could well be that CIA or Mossad operatives set up accounts in Russia or some other country to make it appear the hits originate there. This of course makes it easy to claim these were from that country’s government. So, even if it were true that Russian hackers were breaking into Secretary Clinton’s email server, it does not mean the Russian government was responsible.

As you might know, owners of websites can check the statistics for their sites in order to evaluate the activity and interest level. When a visitor to one’s site attempts to break into the site, the host company’s server automatically blocks them. When computers are used to automatically make repeated attempts to break in to a website, it is referred to as a brute force attack. Such attacks can result in the site being hit thousands of times, sometimes overloading the server and shutting it down.

Recent reports for my website reveal abnormal and suspicious behavior. Silly as it seems, a naïve observer would assume that suddenly dozens of people in the Russian government are attempting to hack into my website. However, analysis of the data causes my associates and me to suspect that hackers are hijacking IP addresses from other countries and making it appear they are coming from Russia. We are now convinced this methodology was utilized in making it appear that President Putin and Russia were responsible for hacking Secretary Clinton and Democratic Headquarter servers and stealing their email.

Because of my admiration for President Vladimir Putin and the Russian people, plus my inability to think anyone in Russia would have the slightest interest in Clinton or Democratic Headquarter emails, I believe the attempts to break into my website is originating, either from within the US government, or from within Charles Schwab Corporation. In either case, I assume the people responsible are Zionists that are unhappy with my blog.

I should point out that when servers from around the world are hijacked like this, those subscribed to those servers are prevented from connecting to my website. The end result is that it will appear that the Russians are working hard to break into my website, while thousands of legitimate visitors are prevented from viewing my website.

Based upon my experience, plus the accusations that Russia was responsible for Secretary Clinton and Democratic Headquarter hacking, it is obvious that the US government is complicit in these illegal Zionist activities. I am requesting that you issue orders to stop this silly game playing with Russia. And I am requesting that you initiate orders to stop hackers from hijacking the IP addresses of would be visitors to my website.



Russia President Vladimir Putin
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Selected other world leaders
Selected Congressmen

Please note:
The enclosed charts usually show only the top few most frequent visitors to websites. Notice the percent change in the “Unresolved” (hidden) visitor addresses & the percent change in “Russian Federation” visitors. Never has any country accounted for more than one or two percent. The Montenegro percent is suspicious and might be a brute force attack. This is the first time Montenegro has made to the top visitor list stats.


Poison Apple Cider
Compliments of President Obama or Donald Trump?

Note: If Trump’s people were not responsible for the following attempt to poison and kill me, let them investigate my complaint and arrest those responsible.

As I’ve discussed in my books and on this blog, Schwab and the US government have been stalking me and attempting to silence me for fifteen years. Because of the location of my encounters with undercover agents, I assume they use my iPhone to keep track of my whereabouts. On Sunday, while stopping by Whole Foods, I happened upon Eugene’s anti-Trump Muslim Ban rally across the street at the Eugene Federal Court House. I joined a small group of people that were holding their signs and watching the large crowd of protesters across the street. A man wearing a hat standing beside me engaged me in a conversation by telling me how he wished he had my curly white hair. This was a bit strange for it’s usually women who admire and comment on my hair. With all the excitement and horn honking  it seemed totally out of place. We spent a few minutes chatting about Trump’s election and the protests taking place all over the world. Like everyone else, he seemed totally bewildered by the Trump phenomena and what was going on in the world.

While we were talking, I noticed a young woman emerge from the crowd across the street carrying a serving tray with two small paper cups. When the light turned green she stepped into the crosswalk and headed our way. Her eyes were focused on me as she walked straight towards me.  Arriving before my acquaintance and me, she asked if we would like some hot apple cider. I found it interesting that she left the large crowd across the street and took the trouble to cross four traffic lanes to reach our small group with only two small cups of cider. I would later realize that with all the excitement I was not paying attention and had let my defenses down. I should have wondered, why hadn’t she offered it to someone else in our group? I took a cup and drank a little and lucky for me I thought it tasted strange. I drank just a little more before tossing the rest in the bushes. Without having tried his cider, my new acquaintance abruptly left me and proceeded to walk across the street where he joined the larger crowd.

That evening I started feeling lousy and by next morning I was feeling weak and my legs did not want to move. I wasn’t feeling well and had to force myself to go to the gym. I continued feeling weak and easily winded, so had to quit about halfway through my routine.

The following Friday I went to the gym again with the same results. I was too weak and winded, so left early. I called my doctor and told her I thought I might have been poisoned while attending the anti-Trump rally and wondered if I could be tested. She said diagnosing poisoning was difficult due to the number of possible agents, but recommended I go to the ER where they were able to do lab work.

The doctor at ER had difficulty maintaining his composure as I told him my story. It became easier when I told him about Schwab and US government’s fifteen years of trying to harm me, especially when I used my iPhone to let him review my blog and see my books. He said it would be difficult, but ordered blood work he thought might be able to offer some clues about what was causing my symptoms. Looking at the results later, he told me my symptoms could be caused by severe dehydrated and recommended I start drinking more water. Because my lifestyle had not changed and the symptoms were of a sudden onset, I tied the dehydration to possible poisoning by the apple cider. I checked it out and learned that dehydration is a common symptom of arsenic poisoning. So were other symptoms he failed to address.  I was so glad I tossed most of Trump’s apple cider into the bushes.

I would like to mention that several times in the past fifteen years I have suddenly become ill and have asked doctors about tested for poisoning. However, they are very reluctant to discuss issues of poisoning. A couple years ago while feeling much as I do right now, I asked my doctor if we could  do some tests that would rule out the possibility of poisoning from whatever source. He just insisted I had not been poisoned and there was no easy way of testing. During this recent occurrence he once more said he doubted I had been poisoned, but this time at least referred me to ER. This doctor shares my interest in Forensic Files. He is aware of my story. He has read my book and talks about it and enquires about latest activities. But when it comes to poison, it is off limits. I’m thinking this might be due to some requirement that doctors must report such information to the police, thus becoming involved and wasting their time.

Eugene Police Chief Pete Kerns
Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio

Note: After suspecting I had been poisoned, I called Poison Control and asked for their advice. They told me that if someone suspects they’ve been poisoned they should notify the police so they could investigate. After all, it isn’t nice going around trying to kill people by spiking their apple cider. But in my case, whenever I report crimes that I suspect were committed by Schwab and the US government to any level of law enforcement, no one responds. For example check out the Post re the attempted Costco entrapment I discuss in my books. This lack of response of course confirms my suspicions that Schwab and the US government are conspiring to silence me. How is it possible that the FBI & local law enforcement aren’t concerned when someone at Costco is offering his services to have the US president assassinated? If a thief was caught walking out of the store with a bag of candy five Eugene police cars would come screaming to the scene.

I have not received a response from any level of law enforcement regarding this suspected attempt to kill me with spiked apple cider. I will interpret this lack of response to mean that my suspicions are true. Either Schwab or the US government attempted to kill me.

Website by Wayne Pierce and IBM associates with rights

Updated:  06 June 2018