Charles Schwab harassment is Okay with Governor Tine Kotek

January 25, 2024

Charles Schwab Harassment is okay with the Governor 

I have reported FBI harassment on this website many times. I have reported FBI arent Ken Willis many time as the perpetrator of many crimes over the years. I have reported Ken Ken Willis’s involvement in serious crimes agains me many times.

I have written a book that includes numerous stories about FBI sting operations against me.

To be continued …

January 25, 2024

I am aware of the Eugene cops occasionally parking cars in front of FBI  Ken Willi’s large large home near the end of our street.

Beside Ken Willis & his wife who original occupied this home and tried to become part of our Neighborhood, at least two other people moved in with them. This was a man and woman  whose behaviour  has been very suspicious. They join Ken Willis’ effort to stalk me and track my whereabouts, often following them leading them to my home.

How do I know Ken Willis engages in stalking me? For years he has been passing by my home and waving to me, as if to let me know he is still stalking me. Last year I decided to test him out, so each time he passed ane waved, I stood and gave him the finger. Willis wasn’t bothered by my  responding to his waves by giving him the finger. Looking like a fool, he just kept on driving by and waving.

I have many stories about how I met and got to know Ken Willis. But the the greatest example is how he and a young female patsy, that he claimed was his niece attempted to entrap me in a very silly sting operation. This story is included in my book and elsewhere on this blog.

I might point out that before I became aware of the FBI’s heavy use of women in their sting operations, I had encountered dozens of their patsies, some of which would have resulted in their target going to jail.

To prove the Eugene police are assisting the FBI’s effort stalk me and entrap me in sting operations, I have strayed from the subject.  My book is full of stories about women under covert agents and their “undercover” attempts to put me in prison.