Charles Schwab Agents Commit Bank Fraud


Charles Schwab agents commit Banking Fraud

For many years I have done my banking with our local Oregon Community Credit Union. After publishing my books on Amazon I could hardly wait for the for my first royalty checks. But to my surprise, Amazon was reporting very few sale, less than five per month. This didn’t make sense knowing my website was receiving thousands of hits from all over the world.

One way to check was to check used book sales at stores. I started checking for my books in cities in the US and discovered that most had copies of my books. To verify this, I ordered my book from a few used bookstore. I received my books in used condition, so knew that stores were indeed selling my books. I wrote to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos never received a reply. I had to had to accept the fact I was never going to get rich publishing books about America about AM’s rich and famous.

Many years passed  without any compensation until 2022 when to my surprise I received a check that appeared to be from a publishing company. I could hardly wait to tell my doubtin friends. I might become famous after all.

After I had received my third check I was certain that Amazon had decided to pay royalties for my book sales. However, I decided to stop by the credit union to verify my newly discovered source of income before I picked out the color for my new Tesla. I could hardly wait to become one of Eugene’s many Tesla drivers. What Elon Musk think about this famous Eugen author driving one of his cars…

I visited the credit union to talk about the new deposits I had found in my account. The banker showed me my account where the check I was receiving were indeed coming from my own account, and then deposited back into my account when I cashed them. The FBI had pulled another hoax intended to harass me.

Word of how the Schwab agents lied to a bank teller to gain access to my account spread fast and it became obvious to me which bank employee had fallen for their hoax. At first I was ready to make a case against the bank for allowing this to happen. But when I perceived how distraught the employee, I felt sympathy for her and chose not report her. After all, I couldn’t even count the times the FBI had messed up my life. After let it drop, the person who allowed the Schwab access to my account relaxed, and treated me as a friend again. The bank managers who I initially complained about what had happened never mentioned it to me again.

In the real world where the rich guys play and abuse, play by their own rules. I am pleased that I caught Ken Willis and yet another illegal hoax against same against at bank.