Oregon’s Governor Tina Koteck conspires with Stock broker Charles Schwab

April 4, 2024

Governor Loteck does not respond to author’s comment about false charges based on Postal Evidence. This error was pointed out to the Governor by the author in his first letter to her.

Because of her very  long delay in responding to the author, it is assumed assumes Schwab’s caught the error and chose to ignore it. Why else would the Governor wait almost year to bring false charges against the author? Is it legal for DMN to issue a traffic citation a year after incident occurred? I think not and this affair has been just attempted by Charles Schwab to destroy they the author’s life.

We think it is time for Governor Koteck drop charges against the author and allow him live in pease.

February 18, 2024
Charles Schwab Collusion with DMV

The DMV’s original action against me occurred almost a year after I wrote Oregon’s Governor  Tina Kotek and complained about harassment by Charles Schwa. When she finally responded, she did not bother to address my false complaints my neighbor made against me.

In December 2023 I received a package from DMV stating the charges against me and would I needed to do regain these privileges.

At first this seemed easy task because I had discussed my troubles with goverment and Charle Schwab. I wrote about this war and published punished my book,  “The stock broker’s lady”, which I distributed to all my doctors.

To be continued…

February 13, 2024

Update.      Oregon’s Governor Tina Koteck colludes with & Charles Schwab & Doctors

February 8, 202

January 20, 2024          Please note the subject matter and impossible date.

January 19, 2024

Interference by the FBI and others make it impossible for people like me to receive fair treatments by the DMV.

Oregon’s Governor Colludes with Charles Schwab & Doctors

At the time Kim and I met, she was engaged to Charles Schwab of brokeraged fame. Schwab was working for President Bush as his economics advisor, preparing to become Bush’s Treasury secretary. Kim’s breakup with Schwab came at a bad for time for Schwab and Bush, and publication of my book was especially troubling.  Bush and Schwab had to keep the story quiet.

The US Government and Schwab needed a plan whereby I will would be eliminated from the picture. The FBI had several options, including stories about sting operations in my book.

The first FBI Agent assigned to manage my case was John Ferreira, and he wasted no time becoming totally involved in my life.  I was soon meeting with FBI undercover  women, eager to set me up in sting operations.

At the time, I was busy writing my book  how Charles Schwab and the US Government who were busy trying to eliminate me from the picture.

After I publishing my book, provided copies to all my doctors. I did this because some my doctors were telling me they being coerced by FBI agent John Ferreira.  As noted , when I went to Dr. Gallo’s office to deliver the DMV’s Medical Report form, I observed a copy of my book was laying on her desk. I could only imagine an FBI agent had paid Dr. Gallo, and was the reason she evicted me from her practice. This probably occurred on the last few months while the FBI was setting me up for their DMV hoax.

It’s easy to understand, when two FBI agent show up at a doctor’s office and tell her they are investigating one of her, her first reaction is to suspect her patient os in trouble.

Yes, the FBI. The criminals that rule the US Government. How else can I explain all the  crimes the FBI has  committed against–with full  impunity?

DMV Collusion with doctors

The purpose the FBI’s involvement in my care was to convince my doctors my stories we all fantasies for which I need medical help. Dr. Nancy Maloney was the first doctor to sit me down talk about my book, telling me my book was based fantasy and I needed mental help. Like most doctors, she was highly influenced by the FBI.

Some doctors are very interested in my book and are quick to interfere with DMV. DMV procedures say I can choose which doctor I want to fill out my medicaical report. However, Dr. Gallo’s office manager  insisted  only my primary doctor could fill out my Medical Record. She kept repeating her order and treating rudely in front of others.

This caused Dr. Gallo to terminate her care at a critical time, right after two surgeries spinal surgeries.

How did the DMV became involved in this mess?

Agent Ken Willis is a Harassment Specialist

Out of five attempts to get a doctors fill out fill my Medical Report, I failed twice only because the office managers insisted only primary my doctors could fill out and my DMV Medical Report. I was having no luck,  so left Dr. Gallo’s office and went home.

When I got home, Dr. Gallo’s office manager started calling with other suggestions. One was Neurosurgeon I wasn’t even patient in Dr. Gallo’s office manager didn’t know what she was doing. When my phone rang for the third time, I could not take any more of her abuse and I lost it. I said something nasty and hung up on her.

In stead of Dr. Gallo asking about what was going on, some at her office wrote to me I was no longer their their patient. To follow up with my surgeon, I tried to make an appointment with Dr. Gallo’s office. However, despite the fact, Dr Gallo said I could follow up with problems. We were currently working on, her office did not call back regarding an appointment.

Despite the fact that Dr. Burkert had developed a good relationship, and he had just performed two surgeries on my spine, his boss, Dr. Gallo, has banned me from even talking to him. and of course, Dr. Burkert, with whom I was getting along perfectly, Dr Gallo has even banned  talking to me about from my ongoing issues.

As above, the FBI has been colluding with my doctors for twenty years. In my book, I have included many stories about FBI sting operations in which the FBI has attempted to entrap me and lock me up and protect charles Schwab from our system of justice.

Only after I wrote to Oregon’s governor Tina Koteck and reported FBI’s Agent’s Ken Willis’s DMV harassment did she respond to request for help. I assume the DMV this delay is because her DMV team knew the was a hoax. Then the the FBI agents showed the badges, as the when thile gaining access to my bank account?

Where has Governor Koeck the FBI was committing all these crimes against me.

In support of my doctors.

Though doctors have seemingly supported, try to imagine one of my doctors response when to FBI arrive at their office and tell them they are investigating one of their patients. What? This guy gave me his book. Yes, how else can the doctor respond? The doctor tells the agents yes, they were suspicious about all this patient’s fantasies.

Charles Schwab agents Moves In

Fifteen years ago “Ken and Ericka Willis moved into my neighborhood.  Having developed a nose for people spying on me, because of our mutual interest in guns, it didn’t take me long to realize the Willis’s were up to no good. Though I suspected I was under surveillance, I had no way of knowing if they working for Charles Schwab or the US Government. Probably both.

As it turned out, Ken Willis has been has harassing me and  and attempting  to entrap me for many years.  So, the question remains? Does Willis fork for Charle Schwab or the US Government? Probably both.

Ken Willis likes waste our time playing silly games. He finds great fun hiding in our neighborhood waiting for me to drive by so track me with his GPS device. Then he loves to show his skill by following my up my street and past my home. I am not sure of his purpose, but he’s been doing this for many years.

DMV Hoax

Ken’s latest hoax was to falsely report me to me to DMV for “… drunk  riving at “… exactly one minute past midnight”.  Because this was false and stupid, I reported Willi’s behavior to Oregon’s Governor, Tina Koteck. When she did not respond to my letter for many months, I assumed she agreed it was a HOAX tossed it. Mistake!

Many months later I received a letter from our governor advising me she was referring case my issue with my neighbor to her DMV team that would advisor on the matter. This was a bad mistake, for my current doctor misunderstood her role and assumed the governor wanted her evaluate my health records for past years. Indeed, my in doctor fretted because she would not be allowed sufficient time for all the for all the testing she was planning.

Though the governor’s letter and instructions were perfectly clear. After wasting a few weeks with my doctor, I called the DMV advisor and she suggested I get a choose a different doctor. I didn’t know I could do that.

Now we had wasted another couple weeks. This was all great from advisor’s point from of view, his point next his view of view, but I was about to lose to lose my driver’s license and there was nothing could do aboul but be.

Dearing my next appointment with my cardiologist I asked if she had a had a chance look at my Medical Medical form. She said she had already sent it to DMV.  Great!

Wait a minute!

Two days later I received a letter from DMV letting me know my doctor  had not signed my Medical Record, plus a few other mistakes.

Please note!!  This document was Posted on posted January 22, 2024, almost a year from the time I first wrote to Oregon’s the governor.

I believe this would go beyond any rules that limit responsibility, even if I were guilty. The DMV rules received from the Governor’s office limit the doctor’s responsibility to six months.

December 29, 2023 @ 18:47:21)

Please review my request to drop this old complaint against. Doctors and meds were changed were changed many times, and my neighbor has committed much more serious crimes against me. You are welcome to come discuss my at any time. I suggest you hurry. But I suggest you hurry because another before another mad takes flight.

This is all about FBI and Charles Schwar entrapment.

And I have been paying the price for ill fated love twenty years.

I apologize! I just managed to push some wrong keys that caused me to delete last two pages.  I will try to recover.

Please excuse poor writing & editing